South Station |
One night while watching "Ally McBeal" (which I am addicted to and which really made me miss Elaine), I thought, "I've got to suck it up and drive down for the week-end." When I invited myself, she encouraged me to take the bus, which to be honest, I hadn't even thought of. Sitting on the bus with my nose in a book was a whole lot more appealing than resisting playing bumper cars with Massachusetts drivers, I must say.
So last Friday evening after meeting up at South Station, we found ourselves riding the Red Line to Cambridge where we had a scrumptious vegetarian supper at Life Alive. I was really impressed with the lively atmosphere, awesome waitstaff, and the delicious food. I really had no idea a bowl of brown rice, quinoa and steamed veggies could taste so good!
Elaine at Life Alive |
View across the Charles. |
As we walked, Elaine asked me if I would mind getting up with her the next morning at 5:00 a.m. "Ha,ha," I replied. "Very funny." But alas, my dear friend was totally serious. She explained she had a SATURDAY MORNING ROUTINE and I was going to get to be part of it. Hmmmm.
For this "currently-working-at-home-girl-without-a schedule", the alarm went off wretchedly early, but I was a good sport and put on my best cheery-morning face as we schlepped the bag of dirty laundry down the narrow stairs and out into the very dark, snowy, and windy morning. Elaine pointed out how challenging it was to find parking and a washing receptacle if she waited until later in the day. I could see her point, especially when we had to jockey for a place to put her rather small vehicle when we got to the grocery store at 7:00 a.m. The Market Basket was already mobbed with shoppers and I did like the idea of getting all our chores done early so we could have the rest of the day to play.
After a stop at Whole Foods and the Farmers' Market, we boarded a bus and made a beeline for Charlie's Kitchen, home of the famous Harvard Square double-cheeseburger. It's been 23 years since I set foot in the joint and I'm happy to report it hasn't changed a bit, and it was really fun to see Elaine so excited over her waffle fries!
The remainder of the snowy afternoon was spent at Harvard University's Peabody Museum viewing the Glass Flower Exhibit. We also made a side trip into The Mineral Hall where I was entranced by the gigantic amethyst specimen and spent an inordinate amount of time admiring my personal favorite, Maine tourmaline.
Venerable Hah-vahd |
After sleeping in then attending church, we both agreed we HAD to go back to Life Alive for another fix before I boarded the bus for home. It was a sheer miracle I got to Gate 16 on time. There wasn't a moment to spare.
*Friend: To open your home, your heart, to be vulnerable, to be filled with joy, to cry, to forgive, to be in step through the best and worst of times, to always think the best of one another, to provide a shelter, a shoulder, a hand; to listen long into the night, to inspire and offer grace. *
Oh yes. There will be more posts about weekends in Boston.
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